Thursday, September 2, 2010

Count Down

Three weeks until the Smokey Bear 10k at Bass Lake! I'm running three miles pretty well now, but it's so much better when I run with Camie. The run just goes by faster, I go faster and I go further! I still love being able to see my time and distance results on It's so cool and I found out it can break down my speed for the different miles. I'm really excited by the gains I'm making in my pace. Randy started running outside this past week and he's doing a 10 minute mile! Wow! The dude is totally quick! My goal would be a 12 minute mile. I can start out at that when I run with Camie, but as I near mile three, I begin to slow down. I'm hoping for a 13.5 minute mile or better at Smokey Bear. We'll see :) It's all good anyway.

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