Friday, August 20, 2010

Toys for Running

I'm two weeks into my training program for the Smokey Bear 10k run I'm doing at the end of September and it's going really well. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my runs. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I do the Shred workout.

Mondays I'm running at the gym. I'm going to work on interval training, so I can work on my pace. I'm also going to do some hill work to get ready for Bass Lake. Wednesdays I've been running a three mile loop with Camie and that's awesome, because she has a Garmin watch that actually can track our run and show us our mileage and pace. She's a bit faster than me, so it gives me incentive to pick up my pace. Wednesday I actually ran at a 12.2 pace if I remember correctly. That's amazing! I ran the half-marathon at a 14.45 minute pace, so that's a huge increase. Today I increased my run to four miles and was able to do it without stopping (except for lights). I slowed down to a 14 minute mile, but that's ok because Friday are for endurance, not speed. Randy told me about The have apps you can download for your smart phone. I've been using the app the last two runs and it gives me my mileage, speed and shows a map of my run. All of the data is uploaded onto their website and then you're able to track your workouts. Really cool.

My goal for the Bass Lake run is to: 1. finish  and 2. complete it at a quicker pace than 14.45.

My next goal is to run around Central Park in NYC when we go visit Maddie and Dan in November. It's about six miles around, so I just need to continue my training and I should be fine. The NYC marathon takes place the day after we arrive, so that will be really exciting to watch. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Kathy Habel said...

Stopping by from Mormon Mommy Blogs. I would love to have one of these!

Great job reading so many books!
I Am A Reader, Not a Writer