Sunday, September 26, 2010

10k Success!

Goal 1 - Finish the race - Did it!
Goal 2 - Beat my half-marathon time of 14.45 average pace - Did it! I finished the 6.33 miles in 79 minutes! My first mile had a 10.31 average pace. Lots of people and going down some hills probably contributed to that pace. The next two miles were in the 12's and the next three miles were in the 13's, but faster than 13.30. I wanted to beat 13.30 for an average pace and my pace for this race was 12.26! Awesome!
Goal 3 - Run the whole way - Did it! I ran and mainly walked the half-marathon and I really wanted to run the whole way for this race. This was the first time I've run 6 miles straight! It was slow, but I ran!!!

I'm looking forward to running around Central Park in early November and found out there will be a Turkey Trot at Woodward Park on Thanksgiving Day. Planning for that race next.


Maddie said...

yay! I'm so proud of you!! : )

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. Wow, I am in awe! Oh how I wish I had my fathers running gene. You go girl!

Cindy said...

Hey Rob!

So nice to hear from you! I thought of you on your birthday, but didn't manage to call or send a text, so happy bday!!!