Monday, March 1, 2010

The Best Run Yet!

I'm not sure if the treadmill wasn't working properly, but I'm so jazzed by my run today! This week's goal is 35 minutes and I started the run at 5.0, which is a 12 minute mile, my usual speed. As I started out, it seemed really slow (that's why I'm thinking maybe the treadmill wasn't working properly), so I increased the speed to 5.5, which is a 10. 45 mile! I was able to run at that speed for most of my time, but increased to 5.7 for the last 10 minutes. In 35 minutes, I was able to run 3.25 miles!!!!! It was very doable! A Great Run! I'm hoping it wasn't a fluke. I really don't want it to be a fluke.

A couple of things were different today and maybe they also had an influence. I bought new running shoes and wore them for the first time. The cushioning was really great. Also, I don't always eat before I work out. This time I had a piece of cheddar cheese, a little bit of peanuts and some raisins. I think, especially when I run in the mornings, I need to eat a little something before I run, so I'll have better energy. Anyway, I'm so excited, but I'm afraid it's kinda like when you lose 5 pounds in a week and then you find out it was just water weight. I want it to be true, that I can do that type of run. I'll just have to wait and see what happens on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Maddie said...

woot woot! you're awesome! you're going to go faster than me at the half marathon!