Saturday, March 6, 2010

Running Outside

This is my official statement - "Running outside is way harder than running inside!"

Today I did a 3 mile run (my house to around Lake Van Ness and back is 3 miles) and wow, I really feel it!

Ok, the positives:
1. I ran the whole way (except for the time I stopped for the stop light and I moved in place)
2. I ran 3 flipping miles! I can barely run a half mile and I RAN 3 miles!
3. This was a great experience, so I can know what to expect when I run the races
4. I did it in 43 minutes, so I was under a 15 minute mile. I think the first mile I was at a 12 minute mile, but I know I slowed down at the end

Now, for the practical stuff:
1. I ran slow (but I ran, and I'm working on endurance now and speed will come)
2. There are hills and inclines in the real world and those use muscle to go up and down and I need to strengthen those muscles
3. This is the next step in the progression and I'm on my way :)

Next week I'm done with time and I start mileage. Monday - 3 miles, Wednesday - 4 miles, Thursday - 3 miles and Friday is 5 miles! What does Dory say? "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" Cindy says, "Just keep running, just keep running."


Maddie said...

woot woot! go mama!

Tiff and Feras said...

I still can't run. I'm only able to walk at a rate of 4.6 tops. After my cortisone shot I should be good to pick up the pace.