Friday, March 26, 2010

Back to Books

I just finished Jeaniene Frost's latest book, First Drop of Crimson, which features Denise MacGregor and Spade. Denise is best friend of Cat Crawfield who is showcased in the books that feature Grave in the title. Frost's books are probably one of my favorite series and she continues her great series with this book. In the last book, Denise's husband Randy was killed and Denise separated herself from the paranormal world only to find herself drawn back to it, because of a deal her ancestor made with a demon. Denise turns to Spade to help her find her ancestor, whom she must return to the demon in order to remove the marks he has placed upon her. Denise and Spade's relationship develops throughout the book (natch) as well as Denise's confidence in her own strength. Great read, great series.

I've been reading Karen Marie Moning's different series and I have collected all of the books in the Highlander series, except for one book, Into the Dreaming. The book was published in 2006 and is a short novel, comprised of only 102 pages. I have been looking for this book in the used book stores with no success, until today! I had put a book request for it at the Book Nook in Fresno and they called me and said it had come in. I was so excited because the book has been listed online at and for $30 to $80, which is funny because it originally sold for $2.99! I can't wait to read it and am satisfied the collection is complete. Well, until she writes another installment anyway.

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