Sunday, February 28, 2010

Running Update

This week finished up the 30 minute run. I was able to do 2.4 miles during that time frame. This next week's goal is a 35 minute run. After that, I start on mileage with a 3, 4 and 5 mile run. I'm still having faith in my training program. If I show up and do the time, I'll be ready and prepared for race day. That's all I have to hold on to - the faith that I will be successful, because I have prepared. That's what motivates me to go to the gym and make sure I do the time. In fact, it reminds me of when I did theater and my nightmare (literally) was performing on stage and I couldn't remember my lines. I always went over board with my lines, making sure I knew them cold, because I couldn't stand the thought of being on stage and freezing. I'm running and preparing for the two races and believing I will be successful, because I've put my time into preparing. I don't want to "freeze" or be unable to finish the race on race day.

I found out at my doctor's appointment that I won't be having the surgery before the race. I thought it would be a weekend recovery, but not so much. I will not be able to run for eight weeks after the surgery, so the surgery is on hold until June. I go in April to have a consultation with the doctor on what to expect. Now I'm regrouping and working on plan B. It's all good, because I'm still able to run. It's just going to be different than what I thought.

I went to Sierra Running Co. with Tiff on Saturday to look at running shoes. I found a great pair of Asics that I'm looking forward to using tomorrow. I really appreciated the sales clerk who had me try on the $99 and the $125 shoes and ask, "Is there really a difference?" I didn't think so, and neither did he.

I saw a gal at the gym who had on a t-shirt and when I went to the site, found out that Fresno has it's own marathon, Two Cities Marathon! It takes place on Sunday, November 7 and has a half marathon component, so I'm thinking about doing that race also. How fun to have a race in my own home town! The race is also a qualifier for Boston.

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