Monday, February 8, 2010

Running a 12 Minute Mile

This week's goal is to run 20 minutes. I've been able to jog for 35 minutes, so I knew the 20 was going to be fine, so my goal is to increase my speed. I went for a 5.0 on the treadmill, which is a 12 minute mile. Today, I was able to do a 12 minute mile!!!! The first time I've ever been able to run like that! I slowed to a 13 minute mile after I reached the mile marker and finish with 1.6 miles in a 20 minute run. Way cool!

Last night I registered to run the Boston's Run to Remember on May 30. This is the half-marathon that Maddie is running in, so we'll get to do it together! I made flight reservations last night also and I'm going to Boston on the Friday before and then leaving on the following Tuesday for North Carolina and staying the rest of the week with my sister! I'm so excited and psyched for this experience. It's cool that I'll get to do training with Maddie, albeit a country apart, but still a common goal.

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