Sunday, February 1, 2009


Enrichment is this Thursday at 7:00 and I'm so excited, because of all the sisters who are going to help make it a great night. I laughed my fool head off when I was issued this calling. Me, Enrichment Leader? Seriously? I'm not crafty, I don't like cooking anymore and I'm hugely busy. Well, the thing is, I don't do this calling by myself. I do it with a group of women, who are ROCKIN'! They have such great ideas and solutions that makes our Enrichment nights awesome. Our theme for the year is, Be Prepared and Thursday's meeting is on Being Prepared with food storage. What's so cool is so many people are going to help. It's going to be an interactive type night. Gina is going to talk about where to store your food storage, Jane is going to do a demo with the canner and people can try it if they want, Rebecca is going to show how to grind wheat and make bread, Marilyn can't eat wheat, so she's going to bring gluten free options, Marie is going to bring boiled wheat, so we can try it. Does that sound dull? Don't think that! They all have good tidbits to share and it should be a fun evening, especially when we get to eat Sarah, Linda, Bev and Rebecca's home made bread and rolls while sampling Rebecca, Marianna and Camie's home made jams! Yum! Can't wait!

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