Thursday, November 4, 2010


Me and Christy

I am blessed to be friends with some of the most outstanding women. When I announced my new position with Emeritus, Christy offered to get a few friends together to celebrate my good news. I dubbed the event, a Cindy party. While we ate, Christy had everyone share a Cindy story, how they met me or something they knew about me. There were some pretty funny stories shared that night! Thank you to all who came! Christy, Jen, Jacquie, Renee, Lisa, DeAnn, Joylynne, Susan, Kelly and Shayna. You girls are the bomb!
Jennie & Me

Jen & Kelly (who get to work together!)

Renee & Lisa

Shayna & DeAnn

Lisa & me (who I got to work with!)

Me & Joylynne

Shayna & me

me & Christy

me & Renee

Jacquie & me

my friend
Thank you to everyone who came and everyone who digs me, just the way I am. I love you!

1 comment:

Tiff and Feras said...

So excited for your new job!