Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Travels

You know how this year my theme is the Year of Movement and how movement has taken different forms, such as running at different events this year: Bay to Breakers, Alzheimer's Awareness 5k, half-marathon in Boston, 10k in Bass Lake, and around and around the neighborhood, and travel: Utah, Boston, NC, NY, San Francisco, Texas, Mexico, and work travel: to the Central Coast and south valley on a regular basis?

Well, I have a new adventure coming up that will involve a hecka amount of movement! I accepted a position with Emeritus Senior Living and as their California Sales Trainer I will be traveling throughout CA to their 44 different buildings putting on training sessions for their Executive Directors and their Community Relations Directors! To begin with, I will be shadowing my National Sales Director, Meg, as she and the rest of the sales trainer team travel the U.S. doing training, so I can learn what I am to do. This is the schedule (as I understand it right now) for the rest of the year. The week after I get back from vacay in NY, I will be flying to NJ, home for two weeks, then to FL for a week, then a week somewhere in the south and I think a stop in Philly at some point. The Mexican cruise comes at the end of the year. Whew!

I'm really excited about this opportunity and see it as a huge blessing in my life. I begin on Monday when I drive to Merced to complete paperwork and pick up my laptop and cell phone. Life is good :)

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