Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Trot

Randy ran the Fresno Turkey Trot at Woodward Park with me today :) Well, he started out with me than ran past me, waaaay past. He came in at 30 minutes and I came in at 35 minutes. I checked my watch and my average pace was 11.10, which is AMAZING for me! In fact, I think it was even faster than that, because I noticed my watch was still timing after I stopped it. I ran a 14.45 average pace at the half-marathon in May and while I don't think you can compare the two, because of the mileage, 11.10 is a DEFINITE improvement in my time. Happy Day!

After the trot!

We were FREEZING waiting for the race to start!

Almost ready!

Ran, for a moment, with Tracy. She's uber fast!

We did it!!!!


Tracy said...

Haha, how come you looks so cute in all these pics and I look, well not so cute! haha. Great job Cindy! I heard you posted about it on your blog so I went and found your blog thru facebook.

Tiff and Feras said...

Love the headband!!! You're so Sassy:)
Next year I'll trot with you and Randy, that is if I can keep up!