Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Position for a New Year

Last Monday, I was laid off my job as an area community relations liaison for three skilled nursing facilities. And no, I sooo did not see it coming. The good thing was I was able to send out a mass email out to one of my groups before I was kicked off my work email and from that I received multiple lead, interviews and offers! I was planning on leaving the company, but not until after the wedding. But, I think Heavenly Father was wanting me to be elsewhere now, because he blessed me with a great position at a great company. Today, I began a position with Soutas & Associates. I don't have a title yet, but I'll be doing marketing/community relations work for them in the Central Valley. This is a great company which provides services to seniors who can benefit from receiving Medi-Cal long-term care insurance for extended stay at a skilled nursing facility. There's room for a lot of growth with this company and I'm so pleased to be associated with them! What a blessing to find a good job so quickly. I am now working on obtaining my insurance license and I have 52 hours of online, timed studying to go through before I can take the test. So, there might not be as many books listed on my blog for a while as I am reading about insurance instead of vampires lol.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Wheat to Bread

Our Enrichment Night "Wheat to Bread" was full of interesting facts, hands on activities, demonstrations and uplifting stories. I really appreciate all who helped with this educational forum about wheat. Rebecca brought her grinder and we were able to see how it works and what the process is in making bread from the grain to the loaf. Jane gave a great demo on the usage of the canner. Gina spoke of different placement ideas for food storage and the over arching thought was the appreciation for the food storage as opposed to the difficulty of finding storage for it. Marilyn brought non-glutten products for us to sample and told how she works her diet around wheat products and other nutrious options. I am so grateful for everyone who contributed to the night.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Do You Get When You Mix a...

Another new series! I found this one at Target and began, unfortunately, with the third book. I hate not starting with the first book. because I don't want to see what's coming. I got the first one at Barnes & Noble, but they didn't have the second one in, so they ordered it for me. The book features, Cat Raven, who is a cross between a vampire and human who hunts and kills vampires until she meets Bones, a master vampire, who trains her to become an even better fighter. Together they go after a vampire who has been selling young women to the highest bidder. Lots of action with some romance tossed in.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bitten - New Series

I finished reading the first book in each of Charlaine Harris' three other series. I will read all the books in the other series, but I have to admit that, so far, the Sookie Stackhouse series is my favorite. It's tighter, I like the characters better and it's a bit sharper than the other series. I will give them time to grow on me though.

In looking for a new book, I went to Harris' blog, where she commented on three other author's books. She really liked Kelley Armstrong's latest book. I never start a series in the middle, so I purchased the first book in the Women of the Otherworld Series, Bitten. The book features Elena who was bitten and changed into a werewolf against her wishes. Armstrong takes her time in divulging Elena's story and so you get it bit by bit. I really liked this book and I will definantly be reading the series.

Book Club

I have such good news! I wanted to have a book club as a sub group of Enrichment and I've asked Andi to lead the group by choosing the books and leading a discussion on the book. We're going to cover a variety of genres, instead of just one kind. Romance, mystery, young adult, sci-fi...oh! the possibilities are endless. I haven't been in a book club for a number of years and it'll be really fun to get together to talk about books with other women. Let me know if you're interested in coming.


Enrichment is this Thursday at 7:00 and I'm so excited, because of all the sisters who are going to help make it a great night. I laughed my fool head off when I was issued this calling. Me, Enrichment Leader? Seriously? I'm not crafty, I don't like cooking anymore and I'm hugely busy. Well, the thing is, I don't do this calling by myself. I do it with a group of women, who are ROCKIN'! They have such great ideas and solutions that makes our Enrichment nights awesome. Our theme for the year is, Be Prepared and Thursday's meeting is on Being Prepared with food storage. What's so cool is so many people are going to help. It's going to be an interactive type night. Gina is going to talk about where to store your food storage, Jane is going to do a demo with the canner and people can try it if they want, Rebecca is going to show how to grind wheat and make bread, Marilyn can't eat wheat, so she's going to bring gluten free options, Marie is going to bring boiled wheat, so we can try it. Does that sound dull? Don't think that! They all have good tidbits to share and it should be a fun evening, especially when we get to eat Sarah, Linda, Bev and Rebecca's home made bread and rolls while sampling Rebecca, Marianna and Camie's home made jams! Yum! Can't wait!