Friday, January 23, 2009

So Sick

Connor has been sick this past week and we found out it was mononucleosis. Man, it really wiped him out. He could hardly swallow and was in a lot of pain. I could tell when he began feeling better, when he started asking for food. I think he lost 10 pounds. He and Randy did a Star Trek marathon tonight with the Star Trek Voyageur series tonight. Nice father/son bonding moment. My computer is having issues. This time it's my external drive where all my music and pictures are stored. Basically, where my life is stored. Justin fixed it last time for me and told me to back it up. Have I backed it up? No. Fool! I try to jiggle the cord, because the problem last time was the connection. I'm believing I will be able to connect it and once I do, I'm buying a new external drive and throwing this one away. I have to believe it, otherwise I would cry hysterically...over 6,000 pictures and close to 6,000 songs, plus important papers would be gone. The benefit of backing up data...peace of mind.

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