Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Almost Here!

I clicked on my blog, because I like to do that, and noticed we're not counting down days any more until Twilight comes...we're counting down hours! Woowee! I'm sure I'm making more of this than it really needs to be, but, dang!, I'm excited. So much hype is out there. Today's Bee had a front page article in the Life section on Twilight, Entertainment Weekly has a article on it and I'm seeing trailers on TV all the time now. I don't usually read books more than once and I've read Twilight at least 10 times. Of course, the other books in the series had multiple reads, but Stephanie Meyer's first book just sucked me into the world of Edward and Bella. Maddie and I have even had discussions on naming her little girl (when she has one) Isabella or Isabell and call her Bella for short. The movie will be here soon, so very soon...


Angie said...

Hey it's Angie, I found your blog through Brandy's. So I am guessing that you will be one of the ladies in line at midnight to see twilight?

Justin and Brandy said...

Did you know that our girl name was Isabella when I was pregnant with Hyrum and Juliette. I always felt the name was too sexy. I always pictured some big chested, tan and super skinny girl when I heard the name Isabella so I could never name one of my daughters that. Now I have a different mental image. I love that your playing with names for your grandchildren!! My guess is Isabella is going to be a way popular name. I always pictured Dan and Maddy with a uniqued name child, just please don't name baby to be conceived, Bronx. Not that my vote counts. JMO :)

Clare Anzoleaga said...

Hello Cousin! I got your email (thank you) and just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Madison and Dan on their engagement. I've been reading up on the blogs, and have really enjoyed them!

Take care.



Cindy said...

Thanks for reading everyone and I'm glad you found me Angie!