Thursday, November 27, 2008
The end of the day arrives, sigh, the food has been eaten, the nap has been taken and we are ready to kick back and play games. I was texting Maddie all day and sending her videos from the family and told her I hoped to be laid back at Christmas time. I was doing a pretty good, well, I must say an excellent, job at being laid back today. I told Randy about me being laid back and he laughed and said, that's not happening. Well, I guess I can try. Happy Thanksgiving...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Remember Me?
I just got done reading this cute book, Remember Me?, written by Sophie Kinsella. She writes the Confessions of a Shopaholic series, which I just started, and has written The Undomestic Goddess, which I also read. Kinsella is English and the stories are all set in England. The main character in her stories is a young woman, usually flawed in some way, who finds herself in a predicament, falls in love and gets herself out the predicament. I really enjoy the British slang in the book. A light romantic read. A caution - Kinsella liberally uses the f*** word in Remember Me?.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Don't Read This If You Haven't Seen the Movie!

Last night, I saw Twilight with ten friends and while we had a good time enjoying each other's company, I did not have a good time watching Twilight. How disappointing to sit in the theater with so much anticipation, waiting for particular scenes to occur and not have them in the movie. The Meadow. Need I say more? That was a huge turning point in the book for Bella and Edward's relationship. This is where is all came together for them. This is where he decided he wanted her alive more than dead. This is where he let down his mask completely to her and she accepted him. After The Meadow is when they had their first kiss. It's pivotal. How could that scene not have made it to the movie? Where was the lab scene? When the lights go off and they can feel the electricity flowing between them. What about when he screeches to a halt and flings open the car door and tells her to get in the car when she's in Port Angeles? In the movie he gets out and glares at the men. Seriously? The whole Bella leaving her dad scene? In the book, she was crying, hysterical! Where was that? Dad walks her out to the car? No! He's inside devastated. Casting: I'm not going to pick it apart. I think the makeup had a big affect on their looks (obviously it was meant to), but for some the makeup didn't work. Carlisle? I LAUGHED when he first walked in the room. Really? That's Carlisle? He's suppose to be an incredibly hot, model-type guy, which he wasn't. (The picture up above is what Carlisle should have looked like. I think it's the same guy, but he's more, hmmm). about smaller things: where are the tinted windows on the car they drive to Arizona? A hotel instead or an airport (ok, cost factor)? My final point for now. DO NOT compare the movie to the book! The book is magical, intense, emotional, romantic, passionate and more, while the movie is not.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's Almost Here!
I clicked on my blog, because I like to do that, and noticed we're not counting down days any more until Twilight comes...we're counting down hours! Woowee! I'm sure I'm making more of this than it really needs to be, but, dang!, I'm excited. So much hype is out there. Today's Bee had a front page article in the Life section on Twilight, Entertainment Weekly has a article on it and I'm seeing trailers on TV all the time now. I don't usually read books more than once and I've read Twilight at least 10 times. Of course, the other books in the series had multiple reads, but Stephanie Meyer's first book just sucked me into the world of Edward and Bella. Maddie and I have even had discussions on naming her little girl (when she has one) Isabella or Isabell and call her Bella for short. The movie will be here soon, so very soon...
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm Yours
I'm Yours, sung by Jason Mraz, is my new favorite song. It's just so, hmmm, bouncy? bubbly? upbeat? It makes me happy anyway and now I get to share it with you! :)
Twilight Mania
I am getting more and more excited for Twilight, the movie! Randy drove down to Pasadena today and said a movie theater, that was similar to the Tower Theater, had people lined up in front of it and the street was blocked off. I wonder if they're having a special premiere? I know the movie is not going to be as good as the book, but maybe there will be some redeeming parts to it. Sigh, remember the part when they were sitting in the lab class watching the movie? They both had their arms crossed and their hands balled up into fists because of the electricity flowing between them. I hope that is in the movie. I love tension like that. That's the kind of writing that makes your belly quiver and your anticipation and yearning rise. Maybe the movie will come through. Maybe...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Greed Monkey

Spencer's latest play, The Ash Girl, ended tonight. The story of Cinderella, more Grimms Brothers than Perrault, was taken to the next level by Timberlake Wertenbaker with the addition of the Seven Deadly Sins. Spencer portrayed the sin of Greed in the character of Greedmonkey. His lithe body was fluid on stage as he encouraged the mortals to become greedier in their pursuits of the "things" of the world. The forest setting was dark and freaky as the Seven Deadly Sins met there to plot their next exploits. Spencer was intriguing to watch on stage with his makeup, fuzzy ears and costume. The story line was very different than the Disney version of Cinderella and it included a disturbing scene between Ash Girl and her father. The costuming and staging was incredible and could have easily been a college production. The next show will be a musical, The Pajama Game, and I look forward to lighter entertainment.
Thursday night on Grey's Anatomy, we find Izzie having a meltdown by continually seeing her late boyfriend, Denny, in the halls of the hospital. Now, it wouldn't be a problem if he was late as in timing, but in this case, he's late as in deceased. Izzie has seen Denny at the hospital before, so it's understandable she might see him again, but Thursday he followed her home and encouraged her to touch him so she would know he was really "there for her". Izzie touches and then falls into his arms for a make out session while Alex is conveniently in the other room burning Denny's sweater. Seriously? Making out with a ghost? Isn't that a bit awkward? What happens when Alex comes back into the room and her arms are around nothing and her mouth is going to town all on their own? Ok, there has been some buzz that perhaps she has a brain tumor and is experiencing hallucinations. I'm hoping for a good explanation, because this is getting a bit far fetched and it's not The Fringe.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Glass Block Nativity

How many times have you gone to an Enrichment craft night and walked away with an unfinished craft? I hate the guilt associated with that unfinished craft. You know, the one that sits on your counter waiting for you to finish it. Then it moves to your hall closet after you get tired of your husband asking you when you're going to finish it. Then, two years later, you finally throw it away. So you can probably appreciate my definition of a great Enrichment craft, which is a craft that can be finished in five or less steps.
Tonight's glass block Nativity craft met that criteria:
Directions to make a glass block Nativity
1. Wipe off block
2. Rub back of transfer
3. Rub transfer onto block
4. Peel transfer off
5. Tie ribbon around block
I found battery operated tea lights at Costco last week and I'll put the light behind the blocks. So pretty!
Tonight's glass block Nativity craft met that criteria:
Directions to make a glass block Nativity
1. Wipe off block
2. Rub back of transfer
3. Rub transfer onto block
4. Peel transfer off
5. Tie ribbon around block
I found battery operated tea lights at Costco last week and I'll put the light behind the blocks. So pretty!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Books Disclaimer
Just so ya know...I love to read. Books can transport you to another world, another time or another place. Books can introduce you to characters you would never have the opportunity to meet in the real world. Books can uplift you, inspire you and bring you to tears. Books can be a friend when you feel friendless. I love to read all types of books, I always have. The books I have listed are books that I have enjoyed. Not all of the books are suited for all people, so pick and choose what you will. I'm always on the lookout for a good book, so if you have any books you've read that you love, please pass on the titles to me!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Twilight Mania
Twilight the movie is coming and I have mixed emotions. On one hand, I am thrilled to see the book I've read over and over put up on the big screen and see the characters I love come to life. On the other hand, I'm terrified at the changes that will be made to the story and to see real people try to portray Edward and Bella. I'm preparing to see the movie by telling myself it won't be the Twilight I am seeing, but a Twilight similiar to the book I love so much. I'm getting a group together to see it 11/21, probably about 9:00pm. Please let me know if you want to go!
The State of Sassiness
sas·sy 1
(sās'ē) Pronunciation Key adj. sas·si·er, sas·si·est
Rude and disrespectful; impudent.
Lively and spirited; jaunty.
Stylish; chic: a sassy little hat.
improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"; "Don't get wise with me!" [syn: fresh]
So, in developing a blog and trying to think of a clever title to come up with, I ultimately settled for the tried and true label that I have been given, which is Sassy Cin. It's on my license, my email and most recently a baseball cap given to me by my dad. My husband lovingly gave me the moniker a couple of years ago and it has stuck. I like to think that it's because of the second definition, that of "lively and spirited: jaunty, with a little stylish and chic" thrown in ,opposed to rude or impudent. I must admit though, I do have moments of being impudent (more likely, impertinent) and I have been rude (although, I hope that has only occured in my mind and was not spoken aloud). I don't have a desire to hurt feelings, but as I've gotten older my mouth sometimes opens and words come out unbidden. I now have a tendency to say it like it is, whereas in the past I was reticent to say anything as I was to concerned with pleasing everyone. Now, I just call it the way I see it.
(sās'ē) Pronunciation Key adj. sas·si·er, sas·si·est
Rude and disrespectful; impudent.
Lively and spirited; jaunty.
Stylish; chic: a sassy little hat.
improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"; "Don't get wise with me!" [syn: fresh]
So, in developing a blog and trying to think of a clever title to come up with, I ultimately settled for the tried and true label that I have been given, which is Sassy Cin. It's on my license, my email and most recently a baseball cap given to me by my dad. My husband lovingly gave me the moniker a couple of years ago and it has stuck. I like to think that it's because of the second definition, that of "lively and spirited: jaunty, with a little stylish and chic" thrown in ,opposed to rude or impudent. I must admit though, I do have moments of being impudent (more likely, impertinent) and I have been rude (although, I hope that has only occured in my mind and was not spoken aloud). I don't have a desire to hurt feelings, but as I've gotten older my mouth sometimes opens and words come out unbidden. I now have a tendency to say it like it is, whereas in the past I was reticent to say anything as I was to concerned with pleasing everyone. Now, I just call it the way I see it.
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