Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Conclusion of the Year of Movement

The Year of Movement has come to an end with the conclusion of 2010. I am totally amazed by what Movement has brought into my life! Below are some highlights:

I bought these shoes in January 2010 and didn't replace them all year, which is unusual for me. These sneaks have been everywhere this past year!

I began training to do the Bay to Breaker's race in San Francisco with Tiff and that led to completing two 5ks, one 10k, one 12k and a half-marathon this year! Pretty good for the girl who doesn't run.

Half Marathon in Boston with Maddie & Carey
Ran the Turkey Trot with Randy on Thanksgiving Day!

My year of movement has taken me to a lot of places! 
  • Utah - to take Connor to the MTC
  • San Francisco - Bay to Breakers Race
  • California Central Coast - twice a month for my job
  • Boston - for the half-marathon
  • North Carolina - to visit my sister and her family
  • New York City  - to visit Maddie & Dan
  • New Jersey - for my new job
  • Florida - for my new job
  • Texas - for the cruise and to shop!
  • Progresso, Mexico - tour Mayan ruins
  • Cozumel, Mexico - snorkeling


Progesso, Mexico - Mayan ruins
Cozumel, Mexico - Snorkeling

All the movement led to a 21 pound weight loss!

1 comment:

Tiff and Feras said...

Awesome!!! I cannot wait to get moving in 2011. We need to check out the event calendar to coordinate. What a year this will be :)