Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 Goal - The Year of Movement

I'm not big on setting New Year's resolutions. I prefer to make goals throughout the year and not focus everything on just one time of the year. Plus, it seems like New Year's resolutions are just made to break and what's the point of that?

One of the things I like to do is have a theme for a year. Last year was The Year of the Book. I had a goal to read 50 books during the year, which I surpased rather quickly and changed it to 100 books and then ended up reading 164! The year before was the Year of the Woman and I spent time doing "womanly" things.

This year will be the Year of Movement. I'm kinda feeling like I was sitting in one place (the couch) a lot last year due to all my reading :), so this year I want to move. My first goal is to participate in the Bay to Breakers 10k with Tiff. I've registered for the race and I will be in the third week of the training program beginning this week. The race takes place mid-May, so I should have a lot of movement for the first five months of the year. Tiff wants to do a half marathon later in the year. I'm not sure about that, but I'm keeping an open mind.

The second goal is to take salsa dance lessons with Randy. I have a teacher and friends that are willing to do it with us, now I need to call the teacher and set up the date.

Playing with our Wii at least twice a week is my third goal.

Golfing more frequently will be my fourth goal. I'd like to play a game at least once a week and hit balls once. Last year, because of the wedding, I didn't get to go out as much. Randy has started playing, so I'll have Tiff and Ran to play with.

My job will feel the affects of The Year of Movement. I'm going to do much more traveling than I've ever done before. I've scheduled myself to work at the Central Coast at least twice a month and I will be working in Visalia, Porterville and Hanford on a frequent basis.

Even though it's The Year of Movement, I'll still be reading as much as I can. I think reading keeps me sane and gives me a fantasyland to live in.

So those are my goals, so far, for the year. I'll keep you posted as how I'm moving.


Tiff and Feras said...

Last year was the year of the Sloth, not really but that's what my butt was celebrating.
Here's to 2010 - Year of the Tiger!

Anonymous said...

Hi, cindy, I noticed you loved vampires me too!!!! Good luck with your goals this year. :)
see ya soon,
Your Hygienist

Cindy said...

Awesome that you read my blog Marlene!! Thanks so much! Love those vamps!