Sunday, January 24, 2010

Training for Bay to Breakers

I am on board with training for the Bay to Breakers 10k. My goal is to finish the race before they close the race. If I can do that, I'll feel like I accomplished something as I am not a runner or a jogger. Yesterday I jogged for 30 minutes straight, going over just 2 miles. I know that's a slow jog, but for a girl who doesn't jog and who's body prefers not to move like that, it's quite the accomplishment! This next week I start with 35 minutes of walking/running. I forgot I had the choice at this point to walk for part of it! I was under the impression I just needed to jog the whole time, which was probably a good thing for me. I'm going to try and do the whole 35 minutes jogging. We'll see. The bottom part of my calves kills me after a while, so we'll see what I can do. Maddie signed up to do the half Boston marathon yesterday! Whoo hoo! And J Wo asked me to send her my training schedule, so we could do some local races. I'm just inspiring people left and right lol!

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