Thursday, November 26, 2009

Satisfied at Last

Sigh...New Moon...well, I'm very happy to report that this time they got it right! The makeup, the special effects, the hair, the clothing (except for Carlisle's scarf he wears with the sweater - a bit too much people!) and the acting (for the most part). The only thing that stuck out as terribly goofy that earned some unintentional laughs from the audience was the scene Aro was getting from Alice that showed Bella (having been turned) and Edward running in the forest. They just looked a bit goofy, so it'll be interesting to see how they handle that when Midnight Sun, the movie, comes out.

I was able to see the movie twice within 24 hours and was very appreciative of the change that took place in Jacob (collective sigh). The big publicity was that he packed on 30 pounds of muscle for the character and let's face it, he needed to for the character. The physical change that Jacob went through in New Moon was an important component to the story. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking Jacob's character. More so than when I read the book. I was always staunchly in Edward's corner, but Taylor really came across as very sincere and has a great attitude and smile.

Looking forward to seeing the movie again. It's a keeper.

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