Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Moon Trailer

Ok, so you know I'm a die hard Twilight fan and that I was sooooo disappointed in the movie version. Well, I have a bit of glee that's bubbling up inside of me, because I just got done watching the newest New Moon trailer. I have hopes that it might be good. Just trying to not have high hopes. I don't want to be disappointed again.

The trailer is posted at the bottom of my blog. Watch it and let me know what you think. Do you have goose bumps? I'm putting together a group again to go and see it. Debating as to whether to see it at the very first showing (which could very well be midnight) or Friday or Saturday night. Let me know which night you would prefer. It'll probably happen at Broadway, because that's an easier theater than Edwards.

Check out the trailer...hurry! Eeekkk! Did you see his abs? Team Edward or Jacob - neither will be disappointed :) For optimum viewing - let the trailer play once so it'll load and then hit replay. It'll be nice and smooth the second time.


Valerie Smith said...

Oh my that is INCREDIBLE!!! I hope it is as good as that. WOW, count me in for the movie. I am good with which ever you want to do.

Cindy said...

i know! That's the best trailer :)

Maddie said...

O.M.G.!!!!! now I'm uber excited!

Tiff and Feras said...

Honestly I would totally dig the midnight showing of this!

Julia said...

My husband and I read the twilight series just this year. And we are both fans. We are going to make a special date out of going to see it at the movies.