Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wedding East Coast Style

In New York for the east coast wedding festivities. Madison and Dan had their open house last night and it was lovely. Maddie, once again, looked so pretty in her vintage styled wedding dress. It was the perfect dress for her. Dan looked handsome in his navy suit and bright pink tie. Their cultural hall has a wall covering, which made the room much warmer than our off-white painted cinder block walls. Jan's friends did a wonderful job in decorating the room and we had delicious fresh fruit and cake to eat. Dan made a play list a we danced the night-a-way to, well I guess for an hour of so anyway.

Randy and I were lent a van to drive back to Manhattan and after we dropped Madison off at her apartment in Harlem, we navigated our way through the streets of the big city assisted by the Magellan, trying to avoid taxis who liked to weave past us or stop directly in front of us to pick up passengers. Amazingly enough, we made it to our hotel, going, mind you, directly through Times Square, which was pure craziness.

Sunday, we picked up the kids and drove out to CT for Jan's mom's 90th birthday celebration, which took place at a beautiful country club. We enjoyed meeting Jan's extended family and getting to know them a bit better.

We came back to the kid's apartment and ordered wonderful New York pizza for dinner and enjoyed watching them open their wedding gifts. Now, we're going to look at Guitar Hero on the Wii and rock out.

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