Thursday, July 23, 2009

Helpful Internet Tip

I have been frustrated the past few months whenever I get on the internet at home as it has been very slow. I couldn't figure out what was happening...I did Ad-Aware and my virus scanner routinely, I would close other programs down, I was in the same room as our router, etc, nothing would work to make it faster. I hate waiting for pages to load and I wasn't doing much on my blog or on Facebook because of how slow the internet was taking.

Well, the other night I switched from Internet Explorer to Fire Fox for my internet connection. Wow!!!!! What a difference this has made! Searching the internet is quick again and I am once again a happy camper.

Now, in case you're not sure what I'm talking about...IE or Internet Explorer is the icon you click on in order to get on the internet. (It's not Comcast, cable or DSL, it's just a way to get on the internet).

This is how you get Firefox...get on the internet your usual way then go to and download the software. The icon should pop up on your desktop. Close Internet Explorer and then click on Firefox and surf the web in a whole new, easy way!

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