Pat Benatar, Spyder calls her Patricia, was very engaging with the audience and gave background on her different songs, which was very interesting. She also mixed up the songs by playing one that wasn't really well known and then one of her hits. We really liked her portion of the concert. Blondie came on after Pat and was not as engaging. She did quite a few songs that were not well known and saved her more popular songs for the end of the show. She also had a habit of going to the side of the stage and singing from there or just hanging out stage right. Her energy was less than Pat's and her stage presence was lost in the mix. She has a beautiful voice.
We had a really good time though and it was fun to rock with the girls! A tip for concert goers, I'm not really a cool rocker when you find this out, I bought foamy ear plugs from Target before the concert and wore them for most of the songs. I didn't get the ear ringing I dislike so much that I usually do after a concert. My hair covered up the ear plugs, so hopefully I still looked cool :)
As we're sitting there listening to the different women rockers, I decided if I had a rock band I would want to be the lead singer and play the guitar. Ya, if you know me, you know I like the spotlight and, as my husband says, I never met a microphone I didn't like. Wouldn't that be cool to be a girl rocker? Ya, I'd wear boots, jeans, lots of black, maybe toss in a few skull accessories while I'm on stage and then dress preppy while off stage. I'd like the contrast. I think I'm going to have to think of a rocker name, my alter ego rock star goddess!