Monday, May 25, 2009

New York! New York!

Randy and I, along with my mom, dad and step-mom, went to New York this past week to attend Madison's graduation ceremony from Columbia University. She has earned a Master's degree in Social Work.

On Sunday, we had brunch at Tavern on the Green before heading to Connecticut for a bbq.

Monday & Tuesday we spent touring on Grey Line tour buses. Upper, Mid and Lower Manhattan were covered as was Brooklyn and a night tour. The harbor tour to Liberty Island and Ellis Island came later in the week.

The beginning of the week was freezing and we were bundled up.
Graduation was on Wednesday and it turned out to be a very warm day.

It was so exciting to see Madison in the sea of Columbia blue and watch her graduate.

Proud mom and dad!
We did so much in one week! It's already beginning to blur as to what we did on each day.

We had pizza at Grimaldi's Pizza in Brooklyn and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge back to Manhattan.
We went to the Metropolitan Museum on Thursday and walked and walked and walked! There was so MUCH to see!

Attended my first professional baseball game - The New York Yankees! They play the Baltimore Orioles and won, of course. I called Brandy to let her know where I was, but since it wasn't a Mets game, she didn't care. My sunglasses broke, so I got a new pair from a street vendor. I think they're a little big on me.
We saw the Statue of Liberty on the harbor cruise. It is so amazing to see it in person. Just beautiful.

I left New York with a remembrance around my wrist from Tiffany's, a girl's favorite store.


Angie said...

Sounds like an amazing trip...

Very Zaneta said...

I was so good to meet you both. :)

Tiff and Feras said...

If you ever want to go back for a girl's trip let me know. I LOVE NY!!