Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's Been a While

Ya, it's been a while since I've last posted anything. I have been busy studying for my insurance license test, which was this morning. I am praying that I passed. I'm a little tired of spending my evenings in front of the computer taking practice tests. Ok, this is weird, but I haven't blogged also, because all of a sudden it weirded me out that anybody could be reading my blog. I know! That's stupid, because the very nature of a blog is to write and have people read it, but I just freaked for a bit. I want to write uplifting, funny, witty remarks and that just doesn't happen. I love reading hypochondriacs blog (see side bar for link). She cracks me up. That's what I would like to write like, but I don't see things the way she does, so I'm not going to be able to write that way. I'll just write my own way and do the best I can.

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