Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Team Christmas Card

This is my team's holiday card.

Taken on the beach in chilly Florida!

Monday, December 13, 2010


I feel like I'm on a roll right now with increasing my pace. Today I ran two miles at the gym and finished at 21.48, which is a 10.74 minute mile! My goal was to run 11 minute average pace and I'm exceeding that goal. I'm stoked! Marilyn said I would be running a 9 minute mile before long and maybe she's right! The trick is sustaining it for long runs. Not going to worry about that now though. Just working on speed for two mile runs for the next two weeks.

Christmas Family Video

Madison had the Christmas Family Video that's at the top of my blog on her blog and it was soooo good that I wanted to share it with you! It's my Christmas gift to all of those who read my blog. Enjoy!
Go HERE to see the video if the above link is missing. The video above is a little off, so go to this link to see it in good detail.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Florida Training

I was in lovely Florida this past week for a week of training at Meg's house. My brain blew up only a few times with all the information we went over, so that's a good thing. The weather was cool, but Florida is very beautiful.

Had lunch one day at a restaurant on the beach!

My new team!

Amber and me on the catamaran

Me, Amber and Lisa chillin' on the net at the front of the boat.

I think this is Tucker. Meg & Kim have two bull dogs and a little fluffy dog.