Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Favorite on My List

Jennifer Crusie, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

1. Sassy, irreverent, curvy, smart, witty, can-hold-her own, but could use some help, female characters
2. Smart, handsome, becomes-amazed-by-the-woman male characters
3. People, places or situations that are a bit quirky
4. A wonderful cadence to her writing that just gets me giddy reading it
5. A way of connecting the reader to the character that makes me totally "get" her characters
6. Strong female leads in all the books
7. Has written lots of books for me to read (I guess you can read them too)
8. The Dempsey family
9. She gets him in the end and he finally, and irrevocably, he gets her in the end
10. Tells a wonderful story, time after time.

If you haven't had the opportunity to read Jennifer Crusie, please, with all haste, get thee to a bookstore and pick up one of her books. You'll be glad you did :)

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