Last Sunday was Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco. 7 miles of fun, frivolity and the fantastic! The sheer number of people who were walking or watching was amazing. I don't think I've ever been in a crowd like this before. It took us 30 minutes to get to the starting line from where our corral was. The race's winner ran it in 35 minutes, so by the time we got to the starting line, he was 5 minutes away from winning!

Large hill full of people. The folks who lived in the houses lining the race would lean out of windows, stand on roofs and hang out in front of their homes to watch the race. Some had large, dj type, speakers blaring music. There were also live bands along the way.

Mile marker 7! Almost finished! The last three miles, we followed (not on purpose) a naked man. We couldn't seem to get in front of him. Every time I wanted to take a picture in front of a mile marker, he would be there having his picture taken. I had to have my picture strategically taken, so as to block out his exposure.

End of the race! We did it! Tiff and I walked the 7 miles. Kim ran it and left us in the dust. It's a good race to walk and talk and gawk.

Day before the race, at the Expo.
Next Sunday is the Boston Race to Remember half-marathon!