Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pleasure, Desire and Passion

Larissa Ione's Demonica Novels features three brothers who have the same Seminus father, but different mothers, which brings each of them different attributes.

Eidolon, featured in the first novel, Pleasure Unbound, can heal and establishes an Underworld General Hospital that provides emergency care for demons who are injured above ground. He meets Tayla, an Aegis warrior, who fights and slays demons. Of course, they are destined to meet and join forces before the S'genesis takes over and he goes mad.

Desire Unchained focuses on the second brother, Shade and his love Runa who is a warg. As they are captured and fight for their freedom, they must acknowledge their love and use it to fight a madman's evil plans.

Wraith, the youngest brother, drives Passion Unleashed. He has been tormented for most of his life, but finds redemption with Serena who holds the key to Heaven.

I typically like books that are heroine driven, but these guys rock as do their women, who are tough, smart and resilient.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Turning Back the Clock

Can you believe how quickly time is flying by? My last post was October 1 and now it's the 19th!

Yesterday, was my birthday and I celebrated throughout the whole weekend. In fact, it started with dinner at the Palms last Tuesday with my mom, Friday afternoon was shopping and time with JWo, Saturday was golf, lunch and pedis with Tiff, Saturday night was dinner with Randy, Sunday the guys made me dinner and gave me presents, Monday I got an awesome, shake your booty card at work, (they made me stand up to open it, because they know me so well and knew I would start dancing the moment I heard the song playing) and a gift certificate to spend at Julie Vogue's (a favorite bling-bling store of mine :), then tonight I'm going out to dinner with my boys and then tomorrow I finish it up with a birthday lunch with JWo and me :)

So a nice week of birthday celebration. I'm not terribly fond of the age I turned. My age has never really been an issue for me. I look a lot younger than I am (everyone says so, it's not me saying it) and Randy is 10 years older and that made me feel young...but now I'm closing in on a BIG number and it's weird. So, I think I'm going to hunker down and stay at 39 for a while. It's a good number. I have a lot of friends who are that age. In fact, they might turn 40 and I'll still be 39 and then they'll become older than me lol! I amuse myself.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Madison on GMA

Back to Work Success Stories

Madison was highlighted on Good Morning America this morning regarding how she found her new job. Check it out!

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