Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Jewel Hidden Inside

This video will floor you. I've always known to not judge a book (person) by its cover (appearance), but this video really showed me an example of the jewel that is in every single person. We just need to take time with people to find it. When we do, we'll be well rewarded.

This would make a great object lesson at church.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

British Books

I've finished another installment in the Shopaholic series, Shopaholic Ties the Knot. Becky and Luke are to be married, obviously, in this one, but of course, things aren't going to go smoothly. It's a fun read. I also finished two books by an author I hadn't read before, Jane Green. She is British, as is Sophie Kinsella who does the Shopaholic books. I love reading contemporary British female author's books that are flavored with British slang, locales and euphemisms. It's interesting to see the differences in our cultures through literature.